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 Application [Landys]

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Application [Landys] Empty
PostSubject: Application [Landys]   Application [Landys] I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 25, 2012 5:54 pm

Character Name : Landys
Class : Death knight
Spec : Tank (both blood and frost)
GearScore : 5.9k
WoW PvE experience : Up to Sindragosa 10 norm in ICC, Complete ToC.
Why do you want to join our guild: Because I want to progress further in the game.
Which guild(s) you were in before (if any) & reason for leaving it : Infinity, latin guild, I'm latin but I can write and read pretty well.
I left because of slow graid progression, we finally reached sindra some weeks ago and couldn't kill LK.
Armory Link:
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Posts : 15
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 38

Application [Landys] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application [Landys]   Application [Landys] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 26, 2012 1:29 am

Daed wrote:
Character Name : Landys
Class : Death knight
Spec : Tank (both blood and frost)
GearScore : 5.9k
WoW PvE experience : Up to Sindragosa 10 norm in ICC, Complete ToC.
Why do you want to join our guild: Because I want to progress further in the game.
Which guild(s) you were in before (if any) & reason for leaving it : Infinity, latin guild, I'm latin but I can write and read pretty well.
I left because of slow graid progression, we finally reached sindra some weeks ago and couldn't kill LK.
Armory Link:

Thanks, Contact any Officer in-game for inv
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Application [Landys]
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