Subject: Application - Squeekster Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:32 am
Character Name : Squeekster (Alt: LoLDead) Class : Priest (Alt: DK) Spec : Healer (Alt: tank) GearScore : Since it doesn't matter, wont post it. You'll like what you see. WoW PvE experience : Light of the Dawn/Bane of the Fallen king -- retail LK 10man pulls leading my now dead guild of first timers on this server.
Why do you want to join our guild: I'd like to get back in to raiding and pull some HM ICC on Molten. It's been a while
Which guild(s) you were in before (if any) & reason for leaving it: Only been in Crimson Brotherhood. Joined and got promoted to officer rather quickly once I displayed my ability as a raider/raid leader Armory Link:
Squeekster LoLDead
Wont let me post links.. Characters are in the Crimson brotherhood..
Fluffnstuff Raider
Posts : 19 Join date : 2012-03-29 Age : 33 Location : Arizona
Feel free to hit me up on my DK Fluffnstuff, my warlock Pvtsnowball, or my hunter Hotnhordey. I can check you out, and hopefully send an invite your way.